The core files

The labphew core files are necessary for consistency of new applications with the overall architecture of the package and other system program. Although we recomment editting the labphew code for customizing to your needs if you do not absolutely need to change part of the core syntax, please don’t. Following the conventions and base classes in the labphew core directly allows for easier integration of new modules or new instruments.


Contains the base classes for defining a model for a certain class of instruments and devices. The methods in this class are essential for connecting to the other layers of labphew. The methods are defined following a certain logic which might not be the optimum for all types of instruments of applications such as high-speed acquisition or synchronized measurements.


Since the labphew Operator gets its parameters from a configuration file, some templates are generated to allow out of the box execution of commands or to serve as a template for customized applications.


Small pieces of code that come handy in some of the labphew modules but does not belong to a certain layer are stored here.