How to install

Stable versions of labphew are uploaded on PyPI. The easiest way to get this versions is via

pip install labphew

The most recent version of labphew is stored on this repository. Since labphew is not supposed to be a supporing package, but an educational framework, there is a good chance that you might need to edit the code. Therefore, forking this repo into your own working environment will probably be handy at some point.

They are two recommended ways of installing labphew and using it out of the box:

Installation from the Python package index

You need to have pip installed.

If affirmative, from the command line you can use:

pip install labphew

Installation from source

Building the labphew dependencies are tested on Windows and Mac PCs. It should be possible to install also on linux but we have not tested it yet.

git clone
cd labphew
pip install .

If you want to start editing or adding to the code, we recommend that you fork the repository first to your own account and install it from there. This way of installation allows you to stay connected with the labphew repository and when needed, rebase to future releases.

Getting started

Once you have installed labphew, successfully, you can test your installation by using the following from the command line

You can expect a labphew window with with you can interact. To go further, you can consider checking the A short guided tour.